TEMPORARILY POSTING USA CONGRESS and Trump Assassination attempt HERE ob•serv•er noun \əb-ˈzər-vər\ : a person who sees and notices someone or something : a person who pays close attention to something : a person who is present at something (such as a meeting) in order to watch and listen to what happens an OBSERVER
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Thursday, February 20, 2020
The Importance of Developing Your Foreign Policy | Stéfanie von Hlatky |...
Foreign policy isn’t something normally one thinks of in their everyday life. But should it be?
Understanding which principles and countries matter most is integral for a country to shape its foreign image and power. With turmoil occurring on the global scale, whose rights are worth fighting for?
By understanding the discussions that are occurring on foreign policy and helping shape this with our citizen voice, Stefanie highlights how individuals can be involved in achieving peace through understanding rather than force.
Stéfanie von Hlatky is an assistant professor of political studies at Queen’s University and the Director of the Queen’s Centre for International and Defence Policy (CIDP).
She received her Ph.D. in Political Science from Université de Montréal in 2010, where she was also Executive Director for the Centre for International Peace and Security Studies.
She’s held positions at Georgetown University’s Center for Peace and Security Studies, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Dartmouth College’s Dickey Center for International Understanding, the Centre for Security Studies at ETH Zurich, and was a Fulbright Visiting Research Chair at the University of Southern California’s Centre for Public Diplomacy.
As well, Stéfanie is the founder of Women in International Security-Canada and current Chair of the Board.
Foreign policy isn’t something normally one thinks of in their everyday life. But should it be?
Understanding which principles and countries matter most is integral for a country to shape its foreign image and power. With turmoil occurring on the global scale, whose rights are worth fighting for?
By understanding the discussions that are occurring on foreign policy and helping shape this with our citizen voice, Stefanie highlights how individuals can be involved in achieving peace through understanding rather than force.
Stéfanie von Hlatky is an assistant professor of political studies at Queen’s University and the Director of the Queen’s Centre for International and Defence Policy (CIDP).
She received her Ph.D. in Political Science from Université de Montréal in 2010, where she was also Executive Director for the Centre for International Peace and Security Studies.
She’s held positions at Georgetown University’s Center for Peace and Security Studies, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Dartmouth College’s Dickey Center for International Understanding, the Centre for Security Studies at ETH Zurich, and was a Fulbright Visiting Research Chair at the University of Southern California’s Centre for Public Diplomacy.
As well, Stéfanie is the founder of Women in International Security-Canada and current Chair of the Board.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Arctique: la Russie a la suprématie, dit le patron du NORAD
Arctique: la Russie a la suprématie, dit le patron du NORAD

Arctique: la Russie a la suprématie, dit le patron du NORAD
Le patron du NORAD, général Terrence O’Shaughnessy
(Ottawa) Les États-Unis et le Canada ont perdu leur suprématie militaire dans l’Arctique au profit de la Russie, a mis en garde le patron du NORAD, le général Terrence O’Shaughnessy, jeudi.
Selon lui, il est absolument nécessaire de moderniser le système d’alerte précoce vieillissant du Commandement de la défense aérospatiale de l’Amérique du Nord (NORAD).
Dans un rapport remis au Comité des forces armées du Sénat des États-Unis, l’officier supérieur de l’organisation de défense canado-américaine soutient que la Russie a progressivement étendu sa présence militaire dans l’Arctique en améliorant ses bombardiers à longue portée et en mettant en service de nouveaux navires de guerre capables de transporter des missiles de croisière.
Ces armes ainsi que les nouveaux lanceurs de missiles de croisière terrestres installés sur le territoire russe constituent une menace nouvelle et directe pour l’Amérique du Nord en raison de leur portée et de leur capacité à se déployer dans l’Arctique, ajoute le général O’Shaughnessy.
« L’Arctique n’est plus un mur de forteresse. Nos océans ne sont plus des fossés protecteurs. [Les Russes] ont maintenant des voies d’approche pour leurs armes conventionnelles avancées et les plateformes qui les portent, écrit-il. La Russie n’a cessé d’étendre sa présence militaire dans la région en déployant des missiles de croisière avancés à longue portée. Elle ne nous laisse pas d’autres choix que d’améliorer nos capacités de défense intérieure. »
Il y a près de deux semaines, deux bombardiers russes pouvant transporter des missiles de croisière ont frôlé l’espace aérien canadien au-dessus de l’Arctique.
Le commandant du NORAD s’inquiète aussi de l’intérêt croissant manifesté par la Chine pour l’Arctique. Dans son rapport, il note l’existence de signes démontrant « une coopération stratégique naissante, mais croissante » entre le géant asiatique et la Russie. Il cite l’exemple d’une patrouille comprenant des appareils des deux pays en juillet.
Un système vieillissant
La dernière mise à jour du système technologique remonte aux années 1980, bien avant la fin de la guerre froide. Les États-Unis ont la capacité de détruire des missiles depuis le milieu des années 2000, mais le Canada a décidé en 2005 de ne pas adhérer à ce qui est aujourd’hui connu sous le nom de « bouclier antimissile ».
La politique de défense présentée en 2017 par le gouvernement Trudeau mentionnait la nécessité de moderniser le NORAD contre les nouvelles menaces, mais les pourparlers avec les Américains à ce sujet ont été minimes. Aucune somme d’argent n’a encore été mise de côté pour un projet qui coûtera sans doute plusieurs milliards de dollars.
Le général O’Shaughnessy fait valoir les progrès réalisés dans divers secteurs, mentionnant notamment un radar à longue portée qui sera en mesure de détecter les avions et les missiles de croisière pénétrants dans l’Arctique bien avant qu’ils n’atteignent l’Amérique du Nord.
« Afin de récupérer notre avantage stratégique dans le Grand Nord, il est essentiel que nous améliorions notre capacité à détecter et suivre les navires et avions de surface dans nos approches de l’Arctique et à établir des communications sécurisées plus fiables dans ces latitudes. »
Cela comprend la création d’un réseau de capteurs spatiaux et sous-marins qui alimenteraient les systèmes de radar plus traditionnels, souligne-t-il.
« Alors que nous défendons le pays contre des menaces complexes dans tous les domaines, nos commandements comprennent absolument que le statu quo n’est pas acceptable et que nous devons agir maintenant pour construire une défense adaptée offrant une dissuasion crédible », dit le général O’Shaughnessy.
Social conservatism in Canada
Main article: Social conservatism in Canada
In Canada, social conservatism, though widespread, is not as prominent in the public sphere as in the United States. It is prevalent in all areas of the country but is seen as being more prominent in rural areas. It is also a significant influence on the ideological and political culture of the western provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia.
Compared to social conservatism in the United States, social conservatism has not been as influential in Canada. The main reason is that the neoliberal or neoconservative style of politics as promoted by leaders such as former Liberal Party of Canada Prime Minister Paul Martin and Former Conservative Party of Canada Prime Minister Stephen Harper have focused on economic conservatism, with little or no emphasis on moral or social conservatism.[15] Without a specific, large political party behind them, social conservatives have divided their votes and can be found in all political parties.[16]
Social conservatives often felt that they were being sidelined by officials in the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada and its leadership of so-called "Red Tories" for the last half of the twentieth century and therefore many eventually made their political home with parties such as the Social Credit Party of Canada and the Reform Party of Canada. Despite the Reform Party being dominated by social conservatives, leader Preston Manning, seeking greater national support for the party, was reluctant for the party to wholly embrace socially conservative values. This led to his deposition as leader of the party (now called Canadian Alliance) in favor of social conservative Stockwell Day.[17] The party's successor, the Conservative Party of Canada, despite having a number of socially conservative members and cabinet ministers, has chosen so far not to focus on socially conservative issues in its platform. This was most recently exemplified on two occasions in 2012 when the current Conservative Party of Canada declared they had no intention to repeal same-sex marriage or abortion laws.[18]
39% of liberals and 36% of NDPers
DO NOT AGREE with their respective party
While 68 % of conservative say ....
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Monday, February 3, 2020
Canada 2020 welcomed Senators Raymonde Saint-Germain and Yuen Pau Woo, facilitators of the ISG,
To help map out the path ahead, Canada 2020 welcomed back to our studio Senators Raymonde Saint-Germain and Yuen Pau Woo, facilitators of the ISG, to continue the discussion on progress towards Senate independence, what it means for our parliamentary democracy, and how it will function differently with Canada’s new minority government.
Click Here > https://blubrry.com/briefremarks/55499352/2020-live-towards-an-independent-senate?sbe=1
Bloggers note : I happened to drop by Canada 2020 always informative events ....And as usual I always walk with my camera .... Here is what the eye saw and the ear heard...My Coverage.
Click Here > https://blubrry.com/briefremarks/55499352/2020-live-towards-an-independent-senate?sbe=1
Bloggers note : I happened to drop by Canada 2020 always informative events ....And as usual I always walk with my camera .... Here is what the eye saw and the ear heard...My Coverage.
Sunday, February 2, 2020
UPDATED to Jan 2020 Blog Archive: The Parliamentarian Observer by Paul Lauzon
Blog Archive
Paul Lauzon's "Blog Archive" 2014-2018
- Justin Trudeau’s terrible new election rules will ...
- New Trudeau adviser to make at least $1,250 a day
- Star Wanted “Real Action” Greenspon is a former St...
- “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70: ...
- UN COMPACT : The deception of “non-binding” resolu...
- Rex Murphy: Justin Trudeau's year-long descent fro...
- Entretien avec Justin Trudeau
- In Conversation with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau...
- The Tale of the Handsome Prime Minister Who Did No...
- The Trudeau Report #BabyTrudeau #BabytrudeauOut20...
- Justin Trudeau asks pope for public apology to Can...
- FOR THE RECORD>> You Are A FRAUD!" Smart Woman EXP...
- Facebook Shouldn’t Censor Pro-Life News Outlets
- $650 million pledged on March 8, 2017, for abortio...
- C-45 Cannabis Act IN THE SENATE >>> Now what ab...
- While eliminating over 100,000 children /yr that ...
- In total, 114 third parties poured $6 million into...
- Trudeau and high-ranking Liberals settle $3-millio...
- Opposition parties say their ongoing filibuster a ...
- Vote on M103 (Islamophobia Motion) 2001 -91
- Sasse Asks Gorsuch: What If We Didn't Have a Bill ...
- Call For a Joint Parliamentary INQUIRY on BANKING...
- The Obama Machine Takes Over Canada #cdnpoli #cpc ...
- Trudeau’s arrogance fuels ‘Trumpism’ in Canada
- Battle over House rule changes could put Liberal b...
- Government House Leader releases discussion paper ...
- Revolts, polls and upsets, not good days in Trudea...
- Question answered in the Senate Health Medical Ass...
- filed #BabyTrudeau The price Trudeau pays for fai...
- Year end review Bill C-29 Liberal incompetence SAV...
- Astounding counter indication Year end review file...
- at 2;30 minutes Trudeau is chastized Ted Cruz's Fi...
- Strenghtening Democracy in Canada : Principles, Pr...
- SENATE APPOINTMENT Mandate and members - Canada.ca...
- Government appointments - Canada.ca
- BILL C-22 An Act to establish the National Securi...
- Inquiries Act and Office of the Communications Sec...
- Why is Justin Trudeau coddling the Castros?
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President-elect ...
- InThe NEWS #BabyTrudeau and ANAL SEX for kids as a...
- More than 10,000 document security incidents in Tr...
- Some liberals stood up....will they be bashed or a...
- To ALL Parliamentarians to help in your reflection...
- Blame it on ‘cognitive dissonance’ Why the Liberal...
- Who’s chairing Commons committees? The scorecard s...
- Two Government Bills for your examination Bill C-4...
- Special Joint Committee on Physician-Assisted Dyin...
- While Parliament is preparing legislation ...Revie...
- Amazing new design of the official website of the ...
- Trudeau needs unions Trudeau needs unions Trudeau ...
- MPs to keep a close eye on constituencies Parliam...
- Check out what the Pope's doing this week!
- Scholas consults hundreds of students from Madrid ...
- 4in1 Ronald Reagan: A Time For Choosing Rex and T...
- Rex Murphy | Justin Trudeau's Promises
- Rex Murphy | Trudeau's Refugee Promise
- ★ U.S. Armed Forces - We Must Fight - President Re...
- Le cabinet Trudeau à l'école des choix
- The Supreme guide to electoral reform
- The electoral treachery of Justin Trudeau
- Justin Trudeau touts parliamentary, electoral refo...
- Electoral reform: What is the problem we are tryin...
- Trudeau @ DAVOS ? / ?
- Justin Trudeau's 'freewheeling' style of cabinet m...
- Advisers urge Justin Trudeau to be innovative in e...
- Was Trudeau a Disaster for Canada? Yep. David Frum...
- Surely it’s a coincidence the electoral reforms th...
- REminder from last year Rosicrucian philosophy wil...
- REminder from last year Why Canada Will Become a D...
- House of Commons seating chart 2015-16
- BEST MATCH UP = Question period returns: 7 politic...
- •Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister 42n...
- New code of conduct introduced for political aides...
- 7 things to watch for when Parliament returns next...
- Conservatives Announce Official Opposition Shadow ...
- 42nd Parliament Ministerial Mandate Letters ..Nov ...
- The Cabinet of the 42nd Parliament of Canada
- Trudeau’s Cabinet: The essential breakdown of role...
- ICI RADIO CANADA Finies les folies, déclare Trudea...
- Justin Trudeau joyfully mobbed by federal civil se...
- Governor General David Johnston presides over the ...
- TRUDEAU SPEECH McGill Ints,. Tuesday March 9
- Before he goes, Harper needs to do this one last t...
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