First, Trudeau claimed that the Liberals put forward a very clear
position on changing how we vote in their platform and based on that, he believes they were given a mandate to just move ahead with whatever his government decides. Even if you believe this bogus claim, it doesn’t mean that Canadians who voted for Trudeau thought they wouldn’t be consulted about what form that change would take.
He claimed that Canadians responded “positively” and “massively” to their platform position for this to be the last election under the
“first past the post” system. The Liberals received 39% of the vote
which, truth be told, is a little bit less than what the Harper
Conservatives received in 2011.
Can you imagine how Trudeau or any opposition MP would have reacted if Harper had just gone ahead and changed our voting system without a referendum?
And let’s be honest, the Liberals didn’t “sweep the country” based on their promise to change how we vote. Primarily, they got the votes of people who wanted Stephen Harper out and those who wanted bigger cheques from government.
Trudeau went on and on for a while and then he gave the real reason he doesn’t want a referendum.
Quite simply - he’s afraid he’ll lose.
It’s true that referendums on changes to voting systems in provinces across the country have usually been rejected but doesn’t that reflect the will of the people? If you truly believe in democracy and want democratic reform, then you don’t just let the elites at the top decide how the system will work.
Justin likes to go on about how we can get a better system but he has yet to tell us what that is.
Besides, I would argue that Canada has one of the best systems in existence with our Westminster Parliamentary system.
What more does Justin want? Other than the fact that like his father, he simply doesn’t like Canada’s British roots.
If that’s true, he should just admit it and let the people decide if they agree.
Justin Trudeau's lack of democracy in
his democratic reform I'm Brian Lilley
his democratic reform I'm Brian Lilley
with the rebel . media it was a simple
question from a student at a camp is
question from a student at a camp is
gathering at town-hall style meeting
that Justin Trudeau was holding to talk
that Justin Trudeau was holding to talk
about his time in government so far six
months in right well this young man
months in right well this young man
wanted to know I won't hold a referendum
on changing the electoral system
on changing the electoral system
government necessarily to a referendum
to decide to valid question you want to
to decide to valid question you want to
change how we vote give Canadians a vote
I wanna play you give a long and
I wanna play you give a long and
rambling answer I wanna play you part of
what he actually said here first he said
what he actually said here first he said
oh people voted for changing the voting
system we both were very clear platform
system we both were very clear platform
that this will be the last election held
on the first past the post system it was
on the first past the post system it was
a commitment we made center we're
talking about how he needs reform reform
talking about how he needs reform reform
government for the way things were
massively couple of problems with what
massively couple of problems with what
he said there they responded massively
know you got 39 percent of the vote in
know you got 39 percent of the vote in
this last general election truth be told
you that a little bit less than Stephen
you that a little bit less than Stephen
Harper did in 2011 and you would have
rejected him just changing whatever you
rejected him just changing whatever you
wanted about our voting system without
going to a referendum so that's the
going to a referendum so that's the
first problem you did not win massively
39% of the vote that's how you got your
39% of the vote that's how you got your
majority secondly the idea that
Canadians were voting to change the
Canadians were voting to change the
voting system that that's why they back
to you that's what harding you know that
to you that's what harding you know that
that's not true they were voting for you
for many reasons primarily you got the
for many reasons primarily you got the
support of people that wanted to get to
Stephen Harper out you got the support
Stephen Harper out you got the support
of people that wanted bigger checks from
government but you didn't sweep the
government but you didn't sweep the
country based on saying let's change the
voting system so let's start with that
voting system so let's start with that
but next trudeau went on and on for a
while and then eventually gave the real
while and then eventually gave the real
reason that he doesn't want to hold a
vote on changing the voting system he's
vote on changing the voting system he's
afraid he'll lose of the people and
wounding we need a referendum good way
wounding we need a referendum good way
of getting any electoral reform the fact
is whether we're talking about British
is whether we're talking about British
Columbia Ontario Prince Edward Island
New Zealand where they helped several
New Zealand where they helped several
there are examples of vote choosing to
alter the electoral system in votes
alter the electoral system in votes
against changing the electoral system
that doesn't mean you don't vote if you
that doesn't mean you don't vote if you
truly believe in democracy and want
democratic reform then you don't just
democratic reform then you don't just
led to the top decide how the system
will work
will work
Justin Trudeau goes on and on about how
we can get a better system let me ask
we can get a better system let me ask
you what model are you looking to I
would argue that Canada has one of the
would argue that Canada has one of the
best democracies in the world who are we
going to be beaten out by going to be
going to be beaten out by going to be
beaten up by the united states maybe
Britain was definitely not written any
Britain was definitely not written any
indefinitely none of the continental
countries in Europe where else we come
countries in Europe where else we come
from the most successful democratic
system in the world the Westminster
system in the world the Westminster
parliamentary system it works and it is
played as produced governments of some
played as produced governments of some
of the most freest countries on the
planet some of the most economically
planet some of the most economically
liberated in some of the most
economically successful what more do you
economically successful what more do you
want other than the fact that like your
father sir you don't like candidates
father sir you don't like candidates
British troops and that at the heart of
why you want to change it maybe you
why you want to change it maybe you
should just admit that thanks for
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