Fill every single one of the 22 Senate vacancies with reform minded Conservatives on your way out the door. Don’t let Trudeau have those appointments. They are yours to make – at least until November 4th.
Before he became Prime Minister, Trudeau said he would change Senate appointments by appointing a panel that would then pick the senators to appoint. An unelected, unaccountable panel of elitists picking who gets to sit in the unelected, unaccountable senate?
It makes no sense and it harms responsible government.
Justin Trudeau would likely howl in protest if Stephen Harper did stack the senate. He would claim it was wrong, an affront to our system and yet he is about to change the senate appointments and make it less open, less democratic.
Let me know what you think of this idea.
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let's that the senate I'm Brian Lilley
with the rebel Dottie media I've got a
with the rebel Dottie media I've got a
piece of advice for Stephen Harper 10
don't think you'll take but we
don't think you'll take but we
definitely should Stephen listen up you
need to do this is a last active save
need to do this is a last active save
the country are you ready
fill every single one of the 22 Senate
vacancies with reform minded
vacancies with reform minded
conservatives on your way out the door
don't let trudeau have those
appointments they're yours to make at
appointments they're yours to make at
least until November 4th now while it
would be completely legal and
would be completely legal and
constitutional for these still prime
ministers the right honourable Stephen
ministers the right honourable Stephen
Harper to do this I don't think he would
he's too classy too much of a stickler
he's too classy too much of a stickler
to do this even though he did it on his
way out the door
way out the door
Pierre Trudeau even left a list of
people for John Turner to appoint is one
people for John Turner to appoint is one
of his first acts upon taking over for
the elder trudeau so it can be done now
the elder trudeau so it can be done now
let me explain to you why it should be
done right now senators are appointed by
done right now senators are appointed by
the governor general on the advice of
the Prime Minister so in effect the p.m.
the Prime Minister so in effect the p.m.
of the day
pick the Senators I prefer a democratic
senate where voters have a say in who
senate where voters have a say in who
gets to sit in the upper chamber but
that attempt by Harper himself didn't go
that attempt by Harper himself didn't go
anywhere but at least in the current
system if we don't like the Senators or
system if we don't like the Senators or
they screw up his many have lately
then we can hold the p.m. that appointed
them responsible Justin Trudeau wants to
them responsible Justin Trudeau wants to
change that he wanted to appoint a panel
an arms length panel that would pick the
an arms length panel that would pick the
senators that will be appointed brain
an unelected unaccountable panel of the
leaders picking who gets to sit in the
leaders picking who gets to sit in the
unelected unaccountable Senate makes no
sense and harms responsible government
sense and harms responsible government
it's a step away from democracy Trudeau
says it will be just like the Order of
says it will be just like the Order of
Canada system yet and we see how well
that works out every third right
that works out every third right
third-rate playwright that you've never
heard of get in but Don Cherry Hill get
heard of get in but Don Cherry Hill get
into the Order of Canada he's been
nominated but ignored the order also
nominated but ignored the order also
doesn't like conservatives former
Ontario Premier Bob Rae you democrat he
Ontario Premier Bob Rae you democrat he
was inducted into the Order of Canada in
2005 years after he left office in
2005 years after he left office in
disgrace Mike Harris the conservative
that replaced him and then won a second
that replaced him and then won a second
majority he's not a member
elitist like to draw from their own
crowds and not let
crowds and not let
riff-raff in its going to be the same
with the Senate Justin Trudeau would
with the Senate Justin Trudeau would
like would likely howl in protest of
Stephen Harper did stack the senate he
Stephen Harper did stack the senate he
would claim that was wrong in front of
the system yet he's about to change the
the system yet he's about to change the
Senate appointment process to make it
less open less democratic Stephen listen
less open less democratic Stephen listen
to me appoint all 22 senators in one day
then dropped the mic clip true to the
then dropped the mic clip true to the
bird and fly back to Calgary what do you
think of this idea let me know you can
think of this idea let me know you can
email me Brian at the rebel . media you
tell me who should go into the senate
tell me who should go into the senate
Stephen Harper leaves office
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