Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Volunteer Update - Your help is needed! ASAP #FREEDOMconvoy2022 #cdnpoli #ottnews #cdnpolitics #onpoli #cdnpoli #Canada @SenateCA @SenateCA #SenCA #cdnpoli

 Volunteer Update - Your help is needed! FRENCH APPEAL BELOW 

#cdnpoli #ottnews   #cdnpolitics  #onpoli #cdnpoli   #Canada  @SenateCA  @SenateCA    #SenCA #cdnpoli

Dear Volunteers:

French message follows,

We want to clarify what the emergency order means. Under the order Canadians

continue to be allowed to come to Ottawa with their children if they choose to engage

in peaceful lawful protests.

The order only restricts people from coming to Ottawa to engage in violence or to

block critical infrastructure.

The Freedom Convoy and our supporters have always denounced violence. We only

support peaceful protest.

We are here in peaceful lawful protest seeking the restoration of our fundamental rights

and freedoms.

All Canadians should be surprised – no matter your political opinions – that the Federal

Government has resorted to such an extreme and authoritarian measure like the

Emergencies Act and that the government wants to use force against a peaceful


We are peaceful demonstrators engaging in lawful advocacy, protest and dissent. The

Federal Government emergency order clearly states that this protest is allowed to

continue as long as the protestors are peaceful.

The government is trying to order the police to use force against Canadian citizens who

are peacefully demonstrating. As Canadians we cannot let this happen.

We call on our fellow Canadians to come to Ottawa to exercise their legal right of

assembly and protest. The more Canadians that come to Ottawa will make it harder for

the government get the police to follow their illegal order.

Please spread to as many people as you know, to allow their voices to

be heard (pro and con people). This will allow us to permeate into a larger base and get

to know a more broad opinion

Please follow for news updates

Please join the protests and convince others to, and if worried, please find parking

outside the protest zone and walk in. The movement needs your help. Dress as if you’re

going to Antarctica :)

If you see other volunteers, come up to them and ask them how you can help out.

Sometimes just accompanying them while they move around can be very helpful!

Bring signs asking Police officers to remember the oath which they took asking them to

support Canadian Citizens.

Thank you!

Hold the Line

SEE REF:  Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act

Dear friends..
  below please see the mild-mannered appeal of the 'freedom convoy' volunteers. 

It will not be illegal to offer them solace, as they are not promoting any violence, being fully aware that the Canadian Security Intelligence Securities Act (1985) [CSISA] s. 2 (a .. b) excludes from the meaning of 'threats to the security of Canada'  any "lawful advocacy, protest or dissent" unless it engages any of (a) detrimental espionage or sabotage, (b) clandestine or threatening foreign influence, (c) engendering acts of serious violence or (d) undermining by unlawful acts or violent overthrow of the system of government. This letter makes clear that the protesters and volunteer supporters have no such unlawful intentions. 

Incidentally, for those who have not read the The Emergencies Act,  ss. 16-17 (in part II on Public Order Emergency) requires this reference to the CSISA and that the Governor General be satisfied 'on reasonable grounds' that any of conditions (a) through (d) above are manifest and of adequate threatening degree, before she would accede to the invocation of martial law powers to quell a severe breach of public order.

Personally I recommend writing to or petitioning both the Senate and the Governor General to not accede to so harsh and warlike a measure against the large number of law-abiding citizens who seek to raise a hue and cry about coercions that oppose their conscience, as is their lawful right under common law and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  

Above that, and foremost, I lend my own humble voice urging incessant prayer for a peaceful resolution of the protest by way of duly exchanged conversations between the federal government and the aggrieved.

Saint Kateri, pray for us;  saints Joseph and Mary, pray for us.


Chères Volontaires,

Nous voulons clarifier ce que signifie l'ordonnance d'urgence. Sous l'ordre les Canadiens

peuvent continuer d'être autorisés à venir à Ottawa avec leurs enfants s'ils choisissent de

s'engager dans des manifestations légales et pacifiques.

L'ordonnance interdit uniquement aux personnes de venir à Ottawa pour se livrer à la

violence ou pour bloquer les infrastructures critiques.

Le Freedom Convoy et nos sympathisants ont toujours dénoncé la violence. Nous voulons

seulement soutenir la manifestation pacifique.

Nous sommes ici pour protester pacifiquement et légitimement en vue de la restauration de

nos droits fondamentaux et nos libertés.

Tous les Canadiens devraient être surpris – peu importe leurs opinions politiques – 

que le gouvernement fédéral a eu recours à une mesure aussi extrême et autoritaire et que

le gouvernement veut utiliser la force contre un manifestation' pacifique.

Nous sommes des manifestants pacifiques engagés dans des activités légales de plaidoyer,

de protestation et de dissidence.

L'ordonnance d'urgence du gouvernement fédéral stipule clairement que cette manifestation

est autorisée à continuer tant que les manifestants sont pacifiques. Le gouvernement tente

d'ordonner à la police d'utiliser la force contre les citoyens canadiens qui manifestant

pacifiquement. En tant que Canadiens, nous ne pouvons pas laisser cela se produire. Nous

appelons nos concitoyens canadiens à venir à Ottawa pour exercer leur droit légal de

rassemblement et protestation. Plus il y aura de Canadiens qui viendront à Ottawa, plus il

sera difficile pour le gouvernement d’obliger les corps policiers à suivre leur ordre illégal.

Veuillez diffuser à autant de personnes que vous connaissez, pour

permettre à leurs voix d'être entendues (pour et contre). Cela nous permettra de

pénétrer dans une base plus large et de connaître une opinion plus large

Veuillez suivre pour les mises à jour

Veuillez vous joindre aux manifestations et convaincre les autres de le faire, et si vous

êtes inquiet, veuillez trouver un stationnement à l'extérieur de la zone de protestation et

entrer. Le mouvement a besoin de votre aide. Habillez-vous comme si vous alliez en

Antarctique :)

Si vous en voyez autres volontaires, demandez-leur comment vous pouvez aider.

Apportez des pancartes demandant aux policiers de se souvenir de leur serment qu’ils

ont prêté nous soutenir les citoyens Canadiens.

Nous vous remercions!

Tenons la ligne

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