Sunday, July 21, 2024


..with Transcript



freeland's covert activities at the
elite davo Summit brace yourself because
the details are even more alarming than
anticipated while struggling Canadians
footed the Bill Freeland was caught
red-handed conspiring with the
anti-democratic globalists who run Davos
on implementing their tyrannical agenda
in Canada according to these explosive
leaks Freeland signed off on handing
National sovereignty over to unelected
World economic forum technocrats she
also agreed to force Net Zero carbon
lockdowns and introduce a program able
digital currency controlled by Davos
Elites in secret talks Freeland
reportedly promised Davos Bankers
lucrative stakes in Canada's
infrastructure while pledging to censor
online descent against their takeover
plans and that's just the start of
freeland's betrayals documented in these
shocking leaks they confirm Canadians
worst fears the liberal Deputy pm has
been covertly selling us out to foreign
globalists plotting our enslavement
these whistleblower Revelations about
Freeland actions at Davos come in a
critical time as Canadians awaken to the
dam caused by Trudeau and Freeland now
we have solid proof that we're being
deceived and manipulated at the highest
levels welcome back to Street politics
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the link in the description below Deputy
PM chrisa Freeland is at it again flying
to serve her globalist Lords at the wef
but what's more interesting and
infuriating is her outright refusal to
disclose details of her activities at
the elite davo Summit what is she hiding
why won't she come clean about what
deals are being struck behind closed
doors despite spending over $40,000 in
taxpayer funds to attend Freeland is
keeping Canadians in the dark about who
she met and what she negotiated behind
closed doors her evasive non-answers to
official questioning have only fueled
suspicions of a hidden liberal agenda
advances at Davos as a WF trustee
rubbing shoulders with GL will power
Brokers conflict of interest accusations
have dogged freeland's leadership role
but her latest secrecy over Davos fuels
fears she is concealing collusion with
foreign interests plooding Canada's
future while shmooing in the Alps with
billionaire bankers and CEOs what
binding deals did Freeland sign away as
she arrogantly dismisses demands for
transparency outrage grows over what
anti-c Canada scheming she is covering
up Canadians didn't consent for their
Finance Minister the Jett off to Davos
to hatch Insider schemes and give away
our sovereignty Freeland should be here
trying to revive our party after their
humiliating defeat or at least
attempting to reassure Canadians that
they will roll back the horrific taxes
that are destroying lives instead she's
off serving her globalist Masters her
commitments at that exclusive Summit
must be fully disclosed we deserve to
note what deals are being made behind
closed doors especially now as Canada
faces an economic crisis of her making
Davos is Ground Zero for the great reset
agenda where Global Elites plot to
transform societies to their liking when
chrisan Freeland emerges tight lipped
after days of deal making Canadians
should be outraged and suspect the worst
from dodgy Freeland as Finance Minister
Freeland should be serving Canadians not
globalist Elites who have no good
intentions for our country MP leson
Lewis slammed Freeland in a post on X
where she wrote the deputy PM doesn't
want you to see who she met with in
Davos or how much her trip to meet with
WF Elites cost Canadians see for
yourself the response I received just
another example of secrecy from a
government promised to be the most
transparent in Canadian history during a
previous panel at Davos she bragged
about the billions in government
subsidies meant to get these Elite
investors into Canada's decarbonization
efforts she said so come invest in
Canada we believe that we have to hustle
we believe that we have to hustle we
think this is a moment that cement to
being poured for the new economy that
right now we're living through a moment
which is comparable only to the
Industrial Revolution itself in terms of
the energy transition and the way we
need to retool all of our
manufacturing that is huge Canada's
strategy boray is to say look at these
two Trends and let's see how we can use
them to play to Canada's strengths and
our view is there's a lot that Canada
can offer to the world in this moment
you know we have the critical minerals
and metals that you need to build a
green economy we have a lot of clean
energy 85% of our grid is already clean
and we are investing heavily in building
more clean energy we are a country that
believes in manufacturing has
manufacturing knowhow and capacity and
then you guys spoke about industrial
policy you know the thing that is new
about industrial policy is we we are
developing our economies growing our
economies at a time when we also need to
accomplish the green transition and I
spoke yesterday to a very significant
international business leader who is
also a big investor in Canada and he
said to me all the countries in the
world need to be very careful that
decarbonization does not mean
deindustrialization I thought that was
an extremely smart comment and Canada is
absolutely determined that
decarbonization for us will mean more
jobs more growth more manufacturing and
we recognize government needs to play a
role to make that happen seriously
Freeland is this your idea of hustling
throwing billions of our money at Big
corporations while regular Canadians are
getting crushed by taxes she talks about
more jobs more growth more manufacturing
like the just magically here because
she's cozing up to the wef elite the
only thing being poured here is our
hard-earned cash into the pockets of
Global Investors who couldn't care less
about Canada and don't even get me
started on are calling those at the
public sector pension investment board
Geniuses and the best in the world she
has handed them control of the $15
billion Canada growth fund sure let's
trust unelected bureaucrats with
billions because that has worked out so
well in the past Freeland green
transition policies boasting a whopping
$120 billion price tag are just her way
of trying to keep up with the US and
their inflation reduction act so when
Freeland comes back from her latest
secret of Davos trip keeping everything
Hush Hush we should all be pretty pissed
her actions aren't about creating a
better future for Canada they are about
securing her spot among the global Elite
this whole Davos show was just more
proof that freeland's real loyalties lie
far from the interests of everyday
Canadians at Davos Schwab brings
together political puppets like Trudeau
and Freeland with billionaire Bankers
big Tech leaders and un officials behind
closed doors these unaccountable Elites
work together to reimagine policies for
countries according to the wef's
technocratic vision the wef is clear
about its goal to override National
sovereignty schad envisions countries
giving up decision-making power to
multilateral stakeholder bodies
controlled by the wef in this
undemocratic new world order countries
just follow agendas set by the Davos
Elite citizens have no say as the WF
takes control of society and the economy
so when Freeland refuses to disclose
what she discussed behind the closed
doors of Davos Canadians must be alarmed
we didn't elect the WF to decide
Canada's future the deputy PM needs to
come clean about what she discussed with
this globalist group in response to
being asked about her dava's activities
Freeland basically told Canadians to sit
down and shut up her short response
showed the same arrogance we've come to
expect from the Liberals instead of
giving specifics Freeland just gave
vague details about chatting with
Business Leaders and hanging out with
the Ukrainian delegation all on our dime
she's rubbing elbows with the global
Elite while keeping us totally in the
dark we know it cost over $40,000 just
to send Team Canada to wine and dine in
Doos but what did Freeland promise
behind those closed doors to her wef
buddies and foreign friends when pressed
about a possible conflict of interest
from her role at the WF Freeland runs
away and stays quiet she clearly thinks
she's above having to explain herself to
Canadians this secretive attitude must
make Canadians mad liberal elitist
wasting our money to push hidden agendas
that go against our national interests
no wonder people are fuming if Freeland
wants to hang out with wef big shots at
secret meetings she should do it on her
own dime taxpayers shouldn't have to
foot the bill for Canada's Deputy pm to
scheme with foreign globalists and
undermine our country freeland's dodging
questions about Davos reminds us of how
she sidestepped the capital gains tax
hike issue despite warnings from experts
that it'll tank product it and growth
Freeland brushes off all criticisms of
her tax grabs Morad hamadi the
logic uh Minister Freeland uh the
capital gains changes aren't in the ways
and means
motion is that because you're
considering changes to the proposal in
budget we are very committed to the
capital gains measures that we put
forward in the budget
and let me explain why um our budget was
a budget for fairness for every
generation with a particular focus on
unlocking the promise of Canada for
younger Canadians for Millennials and
Jed and we recognize that we have to
make significant investments in order to
do that massive investments in housing
to get 4 million homes built and to make
it easier for younger Canadians to
afford their rent or to buy that first
home and we've just heard Sean talking
about that we believe that we need to
make really significant investments in
affordability some of the things we've
just heard Jenna talking about some of
the things we've heard Francois phip
talking about and we believe we need to
make investments in growth and
productivity you know all about those
you've been covering them things like
our major Investments you know five
billion doar in research in graduate
research in students things like RI
investment and we knew that even as we
needed to make those Investments we
needed to do it in a fiscally
responsible way uh we met we stuck to
our three guide posts that we laid out
in the fall economic statement uh we
have maintained the lowest debt and
deficit in the G7 the governor of the
Bank of Canada has been explicit that
that is helpful for him in the fight
against inflation which means it's
helpful in something I think we all know
is so important which is for interest
rates to be able to come down so we
needed to pay for these essential
Investments and our view is it is
absolutely fair to ask those in our
country who are at the very top to
contribute a little bit more and that is
why we put forward a plan with which we
are absolutely committed to to
increasing the capital gains inclusion
rate we were explicit about that plan in
the budget including details in the tax
Annex and I look forward to tabling
legislation hi Minister Freeland I'm
wondering if you explain why the capital
gains tax changes are not included in
the uh
legislation I think I answered that
question but let me go for it again um
so again um let me be really clear um
the purpose of our budget the central
goal of our budget is fairness for every
generation it is recognizing that we
need to unlock the promise of Canada for
Millennials and Jen said and it's
recognizing we need to make significant
Investments to do that um we have
launched the most serious investment in
housing and Home Building certainly
since the second world war a plan to
build 4 million homes that Sean has been
talking about we know we need to support
affordability for all Canadians with
things like the investments in the
social safety net that Jenna has been
talking about the investments in
competition that Fran phip has been
talking about and we need to invest in
the economic capacity of our country all
of that costs money and we also
recognize how important it is to do this
in a fiscally responsible way and so we
are paying for these essential
investments in Canada and Canadians by
increasing the capital gains inclusion
rate we were specific in the budget that
I tabled on April 16th on what we would
be doing and how
we included details in the tax Annex and
I do look forward to tabling legislation
to implement those changes it's probably
worth underscoring as well uh that the
entry into for State as we said in the
budget is June
25th that doesn't answer the question
but I will move on to Mr champagne and
you know I think the question for today
let's look at what the conservatives you
know the conservatives have been clear
they're voting against it and let's look
at what they're saying they're going to
vote against they are going to vote
against the most ambitious housing plans
since the second world war they're going
to vote against a national school food
program they're going to vote against
more competition in the grocery sector
and they've tried to be a little cute
frankly on their position when it comes
to C
gains um but they're saying they're
going to vote against the budget and
that means that they are voting against
tax fairness they're voting against
fairness for every generation and they
you know for all their purported
populism they are voting against asking
those who are doing a little bit better
to help all Canadians who need support
just like she avoids discussing her
secret Dava deals prand flat out refused
to talk about how her capital gains tax
hike will hurt the economy she just
ignores evidence that contradicts her
radical tax plans cooked up behind
closed doors Freeland acts like she
doesn't owe Canadians an explanation for
the harm her policy's cause meanwhile
she's happy to rub elbows with global
Elites dreaming up technocratic
fantasies without caring about what
actually happens in the real world it's
like deja vu for Canadians Freeland
disappears into the Davos bubble and
comes back with yet another tax hike
that could wreck our economy seems like
it's all part of the Great reset play
book come October 2025 voters will
demand a reckoning from two-faced
elitists like Freeland who speak of
democracy while cting with anti-freedom
internationalists the Liberals days of
trampling Canadian sovereignty are
numbered well that's all for now how
many more Canadian rights and freedoms
do Freeland sign away behind closed
doors let us know what you think in the
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