Sunday, June 16, 2024

SEE Bloggers note on >> Good Talk --- Treason, Traitors or Not?.

Bloggers note: lets hear a little MEA CULPA here , from MPs  that still have a conscience  telling them : WEEL MAYBE I DID THIS AND THAT , can you tell me if i did something wrong ???..lets get MPs come forward and stand to be scrutinized ...OTHERwise this will end like the 1990s. Mulroney cabinet when through a 11 day hearing by a judge and were to be charged by Ontario s Bobs RAEs attorney general one day then reversed his original statement in writing and forgo charges in the name of MORE investigation was needed ,,
ended by a ultimatum that when like this ...IF THESE GUYS (MPs) RUN AGAIN THEY WILL BE CHARGED IF THEY DO NOT ..CASE CLOSED.

But in this case i believe there maybe charges later ....on those that commit treason 



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