Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Leaked from Liberal meetings

Leaked from Liberal meetings

7 Votes

trudeau and flag.jpeg
Note the flag Trudeau is waving!

Trudeau Manipulation is causing internal rifts inside “party”

As you know, the “trudeau Cabinet” met (privately) in Sudbury last week followed by a meeting with the full liberal caucus in Quebec.  The media was excluded from the private talk that took place.  However, (wink) it’s nice to still have  few friends inside the red liberal tent.  Over a couple of drinks, I learned what was taking place.  And here it is.

Apparently the “big thinkers” inside the grit party are becoming worried about  Trudeau’s blatant attempts to hustle LGBT votes (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans-sexual groups). His actions on the LGBT front have created “quite”  a reaction from the muslim caucus in the liberal party.  As I am hearing things, the rift arose when the rather large muslim component of the present liberal caucus found voice and began openly complaining.

The Muslim Liberal Caucus

In the present liberal caucus, 10 muslims got elected and are inside the liberal caucus (Omar Alghbra; Ali Ehsassi; Ahmed Hussen; Maid Jawhari; Iqra Khalid; Maryam Monsaf; Yasmin Ratansi; Marwan Tabbara; Arif Virani and SalmaZahid).  

Two notable individuals are presently in “key” positions.  Maryam Monsaf has been handed the file to bring about election reform in Canada.  Trudeau had stated several times throughout the past election that this would be the last election in which “first past the post” would determine which party governed Canada.  

 There is huge opportunity for the liberal party in bringing about a carefully calculated alternative process that will assure an easy path to victory for the liberal party for ensuing elections.

Saudi born Omar Alghbra, the former president of the Canadian Arab Federation is by far the de facto spokesperson for the remaining 9 other muslims inside the liberal caucus.  Alghbra is a long-time friend of Trudeau and one of his backers at the liberal convention in Montreal. 

 Alghbra took a very active role in the past federal election by travelling with Trudeau and regularly introducing at various mosques as well as the Reviving the Islamic Spirit Conference that took place in Toronto in December 2012.

Alghbra has openly made it known that he ideally would like to see Canada (his adopted country) adopt full scale Sharia (Islamic) law.  

Even during the campaign, on Trudeau’s behalf, Alghbra was making commitments that Trudeau would create a friendly and supportive environment with the Islamic Republic of Iran (a well known financer of militant terrorism throughout the Levant).

For his delivery of large blocs of muslim votes in Canada, Alghbra was handed a cabinet spot dealing with international relations as well as our embassies .  Embassies, among other roles are the front line operation for the issuance of visas allowing foreigners to come into Canada.   

It was largely through Alghbra’s insistence that Canada restored funding for the UN Agency (UNRWA) for Palestinian relief. The previous government had cuts ties with UNRWA and another agency (KIAROS) through CIDA.  The funding was removed once it was learned that UNRWA was diverting those funds to HAMAS (an internationally designated terrorist organization) and KIAROS’ openly anti-Semitic views.

The Gay Liberal Caucus

Seamus O’Regan, long time Trudeau pal
As much as the contingent of 10 muslims inside the liberal caucus let it be known (in no uncertain terms) the Trudeau owes his office (in a large part) to a rather large number of muslim inside of Canada that supported (by vote and donations) the Trudeau “team” during the past election, a second group was certainly not silent.

In the present liberal caucus there are four openly gay members of parliament.   Scott Brison; Bob Oliphant; Randy Boissonault and Seamus O’Regan are each gay.  O’Regan, a very close and long-time personal friend of Justin Trudeau is one of the few caucus members that can have “Trudeau’s ear” whenever he has a thought.   Trudeau had identified O’Regan as a “star candidate” not only the result of a very close personal friendship with Trudeau but because O’Regan is yet another TV news guy to add to the party stable.

During the past election, the LGBT “communities” lost 3 very active and vocal supporters in NDP MP’s Peggy Nash; Megan Leslie and Paul Dewar.  The three had openly lobbied for gay rights and youth shelters.  Those voices were lost on the “Hill”.

The Party Rift

Things inside the liberal tent began to overheat by late June and early July as Gay Pride Parades throughout Canada began to send out dignitary invitations.  

The hard-line muslims inside caucus apparently make no secret about their disapproval of LGBT lives.  In numerous muslim dominated states in the Levant gays are regularly and summarily executed upon detection.  To the muslim caucus members, seeing Trudeau take such an enthusiastic and active role in numerous “Pride” parades was taken as an affront and betrayal.

Trudeau was merely utilizing the formula used to gain office.  Identify with a minority group, become their “champion” and you can count on their votes.  In essence, the liberals had used divisiveness as an electoral tool. Voters were asked to vote for him, not the result of any specific policy or platform but in hopes of holding control of the party or (at least) influence after the election.

The New Path Forward

o-JUSTIN-TRUDEAU-POT-facebookI have been told that central to all liberal conversations in Sudbury and Saguenay, Quebec was a plan to find a new issue useful to move them away from the simmering rift that has boiled over between the muslim liberal members and the gay group.   Moreover, trudeau’s penchant for constant attention to himself has apparently fanned the flames between two factions that genuinely do not like each other. 

Trudeau’s theatrical attendance in various mosques is seen as ominous to the LGBT group while his attendance at several large gay pride parades has caused murmurings inside the LGBT circle, the muslim group are sensing  that they were simply being used by him and the party to collect muslim votes.

In a party that does not champion a single thing for the “common everyday Canadian” and, instead pretends to be all things to everyone any common thread is absent.  Such a thread would unite and divert attention away from the differences that trudeau repeatedly points out, “these differences do not make us weaker.  They make us stronger.” 

 The cracks between diverse groups that actually do not share common purpose are rendering the current government incapable of uniting towards goals (for all Canadians) that would promote common good.

 As much as electoral reform was an interesting area, the party recognized that (a) it is highly contentious and (b) that the ground work of spreading misinformation about the need/benefit had not been deeply planted in the electoral minds of Canadians.

 Many would suggest that if it isn’t broken, you do not need to fix it. Moreover, there are certainly a large number of issues that demand attention.  Certainly, homelessness, seniors, unemployment and job creation along with veteran’s rights are crying out for “sunny days”.

As much as the liberals pandered to muslim voters, trudeau made it known that he is a user of marijuana and wanted to see it legalized.

Trudeau Deliberately Misleading

During many of his stump speeches, Trudeau did his part to misinform about the impact of present marijuana laws in claiming that “hundreds of thousands” had been jailed in Canada during the past decade having been caught with pot.

To put that record straight: according to Statistics Canada, trudeau was lying.  Far from “hundreds of thousands” of first time offenders of Canada’s pot laws being sent to prison,  there were 26, 189 charges for marijuana possession made in Canada in 2012.  
Less than one half of those found guilty were actually sent to prison. The statistics state that those sent to prison had been convicted mainly for trafficking the drug.  And, in fact 45% (11,785 cases) had been either dropped or withdrawn before trial.

Things are simply not the way Mr. trudeau depicts them.  Nonetheless, look for the pot issue to percolate its way to the top of the list. 
 It was seen as a way to find a cause under which the caucus could unite setting aside muslim/gay rifts that are apparently quite worrisome to the big thinkers inside the party.
Look for an older and white senior party cabinet member to champion the push towards legalizing pot. 

 Word has it that either Stephan Dion or Ralph Goodale will handle the file and act as quarterback.  Despite the warnings of numerous and very credible voices such as the Association of Police Chiefs and Mothers Against Drunk Driving, the liberals and (more specifically) trudeau himself need a talking point that will pit his young supporters against the rest of the population.

Oh, what a tangled web…etc etc.   Such a valuable lesson ought to be learned by trudeau.  When you have no moral compass and willingly promise everything to anyone who will support you, there will predictably be open disagreements.
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Copyright   Thunderbird Rising 2016
The above article is copyrighted.  You may use, copy or distribute this article conditional on attributing your source (Thunderbird Rising) and the author (Lloyd Fournier)

Monday, August 29, 2016


August 29, 2016

Official Opposition critics call on Prime Minister to stand up for human rights and religious freedom in China

Ottawa, ON – David Anderson, Member of Parliament for Cypress Hills–Grasslands and Official Opposition Critic for Human Rights and Religious Freedom; the Official Opposition critic for Foreign Affairs, the Hon. Peter Kent, Member of Parliament for Thornhill; and Vice-Chair of the Sub-Committee on International Human Rights, David Sweet, Member of Parliament for Flamborough–Glanbrook, have issued the following statement ahead of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s visit to China from August 30-September 6, 2016:

“As the Prime Minister prepares for wide-ranging meetings with his Chinese counterparts, Conservatives urge him to keep the issue of human rights and religious freedom top of mind.

“The Prime Minister has said that he admires China’s ‘basic dictatorship.’ He must remember that this is a dictatorship that continually attempts to stifle the free expression of its citizens by repressing and nationalizing minority religions. Tens of thousands of Christians, Muslims and Buddhists have been persecuted and have had their places of worship destroyed.

“For decades, practitioners of the Falun Dafa spiritual practice have been harassed, killed for their organs, or imprisoned. We note that Chinese prisons currently hold hundreds of thousands of Falun Dafa prisoners of conscience, including 12 family members of Canadians. This needs to stop.

“The Prime Minister also has an opportunity to raise the matter of human rights in Tibet. The use of threats, unspecified criminal charges, torture and military violence to quell Tibetan dissent of Chinese occupation is not acceptable. The plight of Tibetans must come to an end.

“We also encourage the Prime Minister to specifically raise the imprisonment of Canadian citizen Kevin Garratt with Chinese officials. More than two years have passed since Kevin and his wife Julia were arrested on phony espionage charges. It is time for them to return home.

“The Chinese human rights record is an insult to Canadian values. With a prime opportunity to stand up for human rights on Chinese soil, Justin Trudeau must put personal image and extravagance aside and demonstrate leadership and action in defence of fundamental human rights.”
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For more information, please contact the office of
David Anderson, MP: (613) 992-0657

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Adieu Mauril Belanger Membre du parlement Ottawa Vanier 1995-2016

Condelence a Catherine son epouse et a sa famille et a ses ami es.

Note du Bloggeur: Photo Paul Lauzon  lien d' article paru plus bas


 Lien :     


Publié le 27 août 2016 à 07h46 | Mis à jour le 27 août 2016 à 15h43

Mauril Bélanger se fait dire adieu avec «son» hymne national

Plusieurs dignitaires, dont le premier ministre Justin Trudeau,... (Photo Justin Tang, La Presse Canadienne)
Plusieurs dignitaires, dont le premier ministre Justin Trudeau, étaient sur place pour rendre un dernier hommage à Mauril Bélanger, infatigable défenseur des droits des francophones du Canada anglais.
Photo Justin Tang, La Presse Canadienne
Mélanie Marquis
La Presse Canadienne
La cérémonie a été bilingue, multiconfessionnelle, et son point d'orgue a été la livraison, par la foule endeuillée, de la version plus «inclusive» de l'hymne national si chère à Mauril Bélanger.
Les funérailles célébrées samedi à la basilique-cathédrale Notre-Dame d'Ottawa étaient à l'image de l'homme, qui s'est éteint le 15 août dernier à l'âge de 61 ans.

Plusieurs dignitaires, dont le premier ministre Justin Trudeau, étaient sur place pour rendre un dernier hommage à Mauril Bélanger, infatigable défenseur des droits des francophones du Canada anglais.
Dans son éloge funèbre, le chef libéral a salué le courage et la détermination de ce «brillant parlementaire», qui laissera derrière lui «un héritage qui traversera les époques», mais surtout, pour qui «être Franco-Ontarien était une immense source de fierté».

«Vous m'entendez souvent me présenter comme un fier Québécois, car c'est vraiment ainsi que je me vois», a fait valoir M. Trudeau, rappelant que c'est dans cette province qu'il a passé une grande partie de jeunesse.

«Mauril, cependant, avait une vision différente de la chose. Il n'a jamais raté une occasion de me rappeler que je suis né à Ottawa, ce qui fait techniquement de moi un Franco-Ontarien. Nous faisions des blagues à ce sujet, mais vous savez, je ne l'ai jamais corrigé sur ce point», a-t-il confié.
Sa contribution à la promotion du fait français, tant au pays qu'à l'étranger, a ensuite été soulignée par la secrétaire générale de l'Organisation internationale de la Francophonie et ancienne gouverneure générale du Canada, Michaëlle Jean.

Il était «l'un des plus ardents défenseurs de la Francophonie internationale, espace de solidarité, de partenariat et de coopération [...] Je n'oublie pas nos échanges tellement passionnés sur le sujet», a-t-elle exposé lors de son éloge funèbre.

Le maire de Montréal, Denis Coderre, a lui aussi tenu à se déplacer pour dire adieu à son ancien collègue libéral aux Communes, «qui s'est battu pour le bilinguisme à Ottawa, s'assurer que les francophones de partout au Canada puissent être des citoyens de première classe».

Mauril Bélanger est décédé après une bataille publique contre la sclérose latérale amyotrophique (SLA), communément appelée maladie de Lou Gehrig. Il aura mené ce combat personnel en même temps qu'il en poursuivait un autre comme député à la Chambre des communes.

Le parlementaire s'est en effet battu pour rendre plus «inclusive» la version anglaise de l'hymne national du Canada en remplaçant «true patriot love in all thy sons command» («un vrai amour de la patrie anime tous tes fils») par «true patriot love in all of us command» («un vrai amour de la patrie nous anime tous»).
Son projet de loi a été adopté en Chambre le 15 juin 2016. Il n'a pas encore reçu la sanction royale, car une semaine après l'approbation aux Communes, le Sénat a ajourné ses travaux pour l'été sans l'adopter.

N'empêche, c'est cette version du Ô Canada qui a été chantée à la toute fin de la cérémonie, samedi, vers midi. Les quelques centaines de personnes qui l'ont entonnée ont conclu avec un tonnerre d'applaudissements.

«On a chanté avec beaucoup de coeur. C'est immense quand même d'avoir fait ça, d'avoir amené l'hymne national dans une dimension qui est celle d'aujourd'hui, des réalités d'aujourd'hui, et dans une dimension beaucoup plus inclusive encore [...]», a offert Michaëlle Jean après la cérémonie.
«Je vous soumets que 99 % des personnes présentes ici l'ont fait. C'était vraiment émotif. Il y avait beaucoup de gens qui, après, faisaient: «Right on!'», a pour sa part affirmé Andrew Leslie, l'un des nombreux élus libéraux de la région de la capitale fédérale qui ont assisté aux funérailles.
Le ministre des Affaires étrangères, Stéphane Dion, n'a pas manqué de souligner l'ironie derrière le fait que «c'est que le champion de la langue française (qui) a modernisé la version anglaise de notre hymne national».

«Et ça dit tout de lui. Il n'y avait pas un sujet qu'il n'abordait pas d'une façon très originale et percutante. Ça va nous manquer», a-t-il affirmé avant d'entrer dans la basilique-cathédrale, qui est située dans la circonscription qu'aura représentée M. Bélanger pendant plus de deux décennies.
Les funérailles, qui étaient présidées par Mgr Daniel Berniquez, ont donné lieu à des discours de représentants de la communauté juive et musulmane, qui ont tour à tour louangé le dévouement du député.

«Mauril Bélanger a toujours marché aux côtés de la communauté juive [...] En ce jour saint du Shabbat, ce ne serait pas mon habitude de marcher de longues distances [...] Mais aujourd'hui n'est pas un jour comme tous les autres», a dit David Benlolo, chantre à la synagogue Beth Shalom West, à Ottawa.

Le député Bélanger a été porté à son dernier repos environ neuf mois après avoir appris qu'il était atteint de la SLA, une maladie dégénérative incurable. Il venait d'être réélu dans la circonscription d'Ottawa-Vanier pour la huitième fois depuis son arrivée en politique fédérale lors d'une élection partielle, en février 1995.

Les drapeaux de l'hôtel de ville d'Ottawa et l'unifolié qui flotte sur la Tour de la Paix de l'édifice central du parlement ont été mis en berne pour la journée de samedi afin de saluer sa mémoire.
Selon Madeleine Meilleur, qui représentait la circonscription d'Ottawa-Vanier à Queen's Park avant d'annoncer son retrait de la vie politique en juin, «beaucoup de projets ont été mis de l'avant» pour trouver un moyen de rendre un hommage durable à Mauril Bélanger.

«Il a laissé sa marque à l'Université d'Ottawa, il a laissé sa marque à l'hôpital Montfort, il a laissé sa marque du côté culturel, alors je pense qu'on va avoir l'embarras du choix», a-t-elle indiqué.
Le maire d'Ottawa, Jim Watson, s'est montré ouvert à l'idée, samedi. «On va discuter de ça avec les membres de sa famille, mais c'est certainement une possibilité», a-t-il dit sur le parvis de la basilique-cathédrale Notre-Dame.

Environ 1000 personnes ont assisté aux funérailles de Mauril Bélanger, samedi. Parmi eux figuraient environ le tiers des ministres du cabinet Trudeau, le chef adjoint de l'opposition officielle, Denis Lebel, et le chef du Bloc québécois, Rhéal Fortin.

La première ministre ontarienne, Kathleen Wynne, l'ancien premier ministre progressiste-conservateur Joe Clark et l'ancien chef du Parti libéral du Canada, Bob Rae, entre autres dignitaires, étaient aussi présents.